
Fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time
Fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time

fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time

So be tactical when you pair up your Dwellers.

  • Mates can produce babies with higher stats if both mates have high stats.
  • High stats all around are good for explorers, but Luck and Endurance are the most important for getting good loot.
  • Luck helps Dwellers in the Wasteland find better items.
  • If you see some of your Dwellers getting unhappy, you can give them a boost by letting them have a baby.
  • Dweller couples will reach 100% happiness if they make a baby.
  • Pairing Dwellers up will notify you if they are of the same bloodline. The game will not allow incestuous relationships.
  • Mix up your mating pairs since anyone in the same bloodline won’t breed with another person in that same bloodline.
  • Try to keep a good ratio of working Dwellers to Kids.
  • Kids can't work at all, so make sure you don't have more Dwellers than you can feed in your Vault.
  • You will also obtain better weapons over time. It's not worth keeping as you do the same or more damage with the fist. Some can train up SPECIAL stats and others can search the Wasteland.
  • Having a few more Dwellers than can be working for resources at a time can be helpful.
  • It is worth your time to wait at a certain population level and increase Dwellers SPECIAL stats to increase the efficiency of your resource gathering rooms.
  • Don't increase your population too fast.
  • They don't need to hang out in the Living Quarters.
  • Be sure to put pregnant women and their mate back to work in a room once they are done consumating.
  • Give those weapons to other Dwellers that can use them. They will always flee when danger is present, so giving them weapons is pointless.
  • Don't arm pregnant women with any weapons.
  • The reductions in times in the table below are linear - each SPECIAL point added that applies to the outfit gives an approximately 1% reduction in time (a +7 outfit would give ~7% reduction).

    fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time

    Giving +3, +5, or +7 outfits to your dwellers can significantly reduce production times. For Legendary outfits the cost plays a role for the production time as well. Production time for outfits are based on the rarity of the outfit and the combined SPECIAL lvl for the SPECIAL stat needed for the outfit recipe.

    Fallout shelter can outfits reduce training time